The Delhi University committee is investigating alleged financial irregularities in DU colleges. It has ruled out any misappropriation of funds and said the colleges can continue their affiliation with the university. The committee presented its findings at the 1270th meeting of the DU Executive Council, convened on Saturday.
The committee, composed of the Executive Council members, has formed after the Delhi Education Minister’s letter about irregularities. Atishi alleged ‘irregularities and procedural lapses involving hundreds of crores of rupees from the public exchequer’ in the 12 government-funded colleges.
The committee’s report convened on Saturday to approve and discuss key decisions. The report states that these 12 colleges are an integral part of the university. That is why their recognition cannot be cancelled according to the rules.
The EC is the university’s highest decision-making body. The EC panel expressed that Atishi’s letter suggesting de-affiliation and financial irregularities in DU colleges should be withdrawn.
The committee reported, “There is no unauthorised appropriation of funds from one item to another. There is no arbitrary and irregular payment for cleanliness and security. There are no financial irregularities in DU colleges.” Hence, the report rules out all the allegations of financial irregularities in DU colleges by the Delhi education minister.
The executive council approved the continuation of the 12 colleges, deeming them integral to the institution. The report explained, “Their recognition (12 alleged DU colleges) cannot be cancelled.
As such, any attempt to disaffiliate these colleges from the University of Delhi is not legally justifiable. It is also not in the interest of the students, teaching and non-teaching staff. It do not serve the academic community of the university.
All the members of the committee and some teachers’ groups didn’t fully agree on the report. However the EC panel still approved the report. After the approval of the EC, the report will now sent to the Union Education Ministry & the Delhi government.
The EC meeting also discussed some key decisions related to the introduction of new courses and projects at the university. The EC has approved a host of proposals. This includes funding from HEFA for the construction of three academic building projects. The amount includes Rs 373 crore at Surajmal Vihar, Rs 140 crore at Roshanpura Najafgarh, & Rs 107.18 crore on vacant land at Dwarka.
The recommendations of committees other than the probe panel constituted to prepare guidelines for the review of passing and promotion norms for students under the NEP UGCF-2022 have also been approved in the EC meeting.
The committee recommended mandating students obtain at least 28 credits out of the total credits of both semesters for promotion in the next year. However, the proposal exempts students representing the university from sports and extracurricular activities.
The EC also acceded to the introduction of new courses in DU, such as M. Tech Computer Science and BA (Hons) in Russian Language, from 2024–25.
Several other proposals had also dropped at the EC meeting. These include objections to allowing donors to name or rename DU properties through contributions.
The members also submitted argument notes on the standards of SOL study materials. They also asked for an order to charge retired faculty for health services.
DU’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Yogesh Singh, presented at the meeting and gave information regarding admission for the session 2024–25. He said that the admissions process for this year is underway for the post-graduate courses, BBA LLB, BA LLB, & B. Tech. Further, “three rounds of admission have been completed in all three programmes.
In PG, about 11,000 out of 13,000—that is, about 90 per cent—of the seats have been filled in three rounds. The admissions process is going on in the first spot round. In the five-year integrated law programme, 95 out of 120 seats have filled. The spot-round process is on for the remainder,” he remarked.
Finally, he said that approximately. 200 candidates have taken admission to the university’s B.Tech. programme. The university will release the fourth list very soon.