About Chilman- The Theatre of Bharati College
The Dramatics Society of the College became active in the year 1999 under the Red Stockings Society of the Department of English. In the year 2001 it became an independent body under the name Chilman, no longer limited to one department but open to all students of the College. The word Chilman means screen or drapes. Since its inception, Chilman has done significant work and has given a new impetus to theatre in the College.
The objective of the society is to foster talent for theatre, and to promote in the College a vibrant theatre culture. For this purpose, it stages productions, mime and mono-acting performances, participates in competitions and the like. Its activities can be categorized under three heads: theatre workshops, major productions and minor and experimental productions.
- 2020: The latest production A False Woman’s Love (scripted by Pragya Dhiman and directed by Meenakshi Bharti) was lauded at multiple venues. It was based on realistic representation of the ideas/dogmas/unacceptability around queer or LGBT group and what is the role of society in accepting it in the public domain